If you are interested in future puppies please fill out a Puppy Buyer Questionnaire, or select one from the Contact tab.
(Please note, dogs are personal and I would enjoy your inquiries. Feel free to call upon me at: 845 439 3841)
The U-Litter will have pups on the ground mid November 2024.
Bayside Run’s Boudoin ~ SMCNA reg. # 99090201KlM
Height~ 21 in
Weight~ 50 lbs
Whelp date 9/2/99
Invitational, Pass, score 195
2nd VC in the history of the breed.
NAVHDA NA Test, Pr2,score 97
UT Test, Prize 1, score 192
OFA ~ GOOD, (O.F.A. Number MU-189G25M-)
C’Skay Field work
C’Skay Field work
C’Skay Field work
This breeding is covered by our three year genetic health guarantee that is included on our contract.
What we breed for in a pup from FALL BROOK RUN?
is temperament, but how do we assess the temperament of a dog ? we start by looking for a versatile hunting dog that is as intelligent as it is versatile, the more versatile a dog the more intelligent, similar to the way we learn different languages and share common principles to learn those languages. We are in effect doing much the same by pursuing a more versatile hunting dog where our training for multiple events and more complex tasks that take place in the very diverse hunting world of field, water and forest actually broadens the horizons of our dogs similarly in a simple sense to what takes place with the mastery of another language.The point is this ‘intelligence’ is the material from which a confident and biddable dog with a sound temperament excels, well equipped to learn its trade, and most notably this takes place best in a reliably, secure – consistent environment. We work to attain this environment at the Fall Brook Run kennel in our pursuit of a high level of versatility’ in our prodigy.
There are tests,~~~~~~~ and ‘there are tests’. Test help confirm all that we have spoken of so far, they are a valuable tool for us. We are firm believers in the value of NAVHDA’s ‘performance testing’, where it is a polished venue that is created to demonstrate higher performance in our versatile hunting dogs( with the Utility Test and Invitational Test) but most importantly with the Natural Ability Test it takes the process further as it values breedable qualities in a pup by showing it has a sound temperament that can apply itself and excel within the challenges of a simple NAVHDA Natural Ability Test. With the careful evaluation by three NAVHDA judges of a pup’s natural ability, ‘performance testing’ brings us to the crossroads of our training by showing the following:1) that our breedings have proven blood lines and 2)that our prodigy exhibits qualities for hunting and temperament, that are ‘on the mark’ to providing you with a quality pup true to the origins of our breed.
What we breed for: Temperament, temperament, temperament.
The other part of what we breed for is our goal to breed physically the strongest to the strong and get a skeletal-muscular structure that will withstand the test of time, much like a strong ‘working’ table that is stacked such that there is a plumb line on each leg that rings true to the support of the top but in this case of a versatile hunting dog all moving in unison so the movement will be fluid in cantor, gallop and trot, and in the end be a strong ‘working ‘dog. To this end we have always chosen a very strong female from a proven line in Europe having traveled to Denmark twice, Gemany, and Sweden we work as hard with the other half of the breeding equation, as we do creating Versatile Champions of North America.
Here we offer another litter of our prodigy to those who respect quality, starting notably with these two NAVHDA Invitational dogs Caja and VC Bou (shown below )starting with them as pups back in the year 2000, here now having bred well over 100 pups since, we are still here going strong rearing great pups. Breeding solely with our Versatile Champions of North America , VC Bou and VC Dux and setting the standard for more than 15 years, and I am proud to say our standard stands alone as we are the only breeders of small (kleine) munsterlanders to do so. In the end here we hand over to you a great pup as we go on, welcoming this craft with our caring hands, delivering a great pup to you by cherishing this labor with those hands and while doing so very much enjoying calling it, ‘handmade foreverness’.
Click for Video: Exemplified by Carmen Battaglia’s EARLY NEUROLOGICAL STIMULATION EXERCISES that we have given to our pups since the beginning.
- Breeder Award List and Count 1/9/2020
- NAVHDA:Breeder Report
- Verband fur Kleine Munsterlander 4 breedings
How OFA is Tackling inherited disorders: hips and elbows.
Dew Claws: Should We Remove Them

VC Bou getting out of a tight spot, thanks to dew claws.
Bayside Run’s Boudoin ~ SMCNA reg. # 99090201KlM
Height~ 21 in
Weight~ 50 lbs
Whelp date 9/2/99
Invitational, Pass, score 195
2nd VC in the history of the breed.
NAVHDA NA Test, Pr2,score 97
UT Test, Prize 1, score 192
OFA ~ GOOD, (O.F.A. Number MU-189G25M-)
Leica vom Forstweg SMCNA reg.#09-0061 KlM
Height~ 19 1/2 in
Weight~ 44 lbs
Whelp date 1/11/09
OFA ~ Good (OFA # SMU-114G26F-VPI)
NAVHDA NA Test Pr,1, score 112
UT Prize 1, maximum score 204
JGHV VJP Test -Pass, score 61
HZP pass score 190 VGP Test Pr.1, score 301
These two test scores here for the HZP and VGP were the highest to date in our breed, up to that time, and the first of our breed to pass the blood track with a Prize One.
Breed Show: SG/SG (Conformation-Very Good, Coat-Very Good)
Illebolle’s Ea ~KIM reg#DK 16236/2009
Height~ 21 1/4 in (54cm)
Weight~ 54 lbs
Whelp date 8/3/09
OFA ~ Good (OFA #SMU-119G24-VPI)
NAVHDA NA Test Pr,1, score 112
UT Test Pr.2, score183
JGHV VJP Test -Pass, score 69
Breed Show: SG/SG (Conformation-Very Good, Coat-Very Good)
NAVHDA Natural Ability Test score 112 Prize One
NAVHDA Utility Test score 201 Prize One
Invitational score195 (no pass)